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Aloe Vera in a Nutshell

•  Aloe Vera helps skin wounds.
•  Aloe Vera is used to heal burns.
•  Aloe Vera helps in speeding recovery time after surgery.
•  Aloe Vera gel is used on blisters and sores.
•  Aloe Vera is helpful in healing insect bites, rashes, fungus, infections,
    conjunctivitis and allergic reactions.
•  Aloe Vera is applied on dry skin to give a glowing effect.
•  Aloe Vera helps in reducing acne and sunburn.
•  Aloe Vera helps to fight frostbite.
•  Aloe Vera is used to reduce psoriasis, rosacea, warts and eczema.
•  Wrinkles from aging are reduced by applying Aloe Vera.
•  It stops the bleeding, damage and leakage of the intestine wall, thereby taking the stress off
    the immune system.

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•  Effectively balances and enhances proper immune system function.
•  Acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent to reduce inflammation.
•  Rebuilds the intestinal protective mucosa lining.
•  Promotes and accelerates the tissue healing process.
•  Fuels all bodily systems through the promotion of proper digestion, absorption and assimilation
    of foods and nutrients.
•  Normalizes an array of damaging processes in the digestive tract.
•  Eliminates mal digestion.

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•  Has direct  anti-bacterial,  anti-viral,  anti-fungal,  anti-yeast  and  anti-parasitic effects.
•  Promotes the production  of healthy flora in the digestive tract.
•  Controls chronic yeast growth so that normal healthy flora may thrive thereby acting as a
•  Contributes greatly to the prevention and healing of malignant cells.
•  Creates a “Tumor necrosis factor” which restricts the blood supply to tumors.
•  Increases circulation throughout the body and aids in blood sugar balancing.
•  Is an extremely effective intracellular antioxidant and free radical scavenger.
•  Is not digested by the enzyme systems, it is taken up into the cell INTACT.
•  Is absorbed  through  special  receptor  sites  which  exist  within  the  human digestive
•  Is 100% non-toxic with No negative side effects.
•  May be used simultaneously  with any medication with NO contra-indications.
