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Whole Leaf Versus Stabilized Inner Gel

Whole leaf Aloe Vera supplements have been available in the market for a long time, but many of the common Aloe Vera supplements are a bit misleading. “Whole leaf” means they grabbed the entire Aloe Vera plant, blended up the whole thing (gel, sap and leaf skin), and then they filter out all the harmful components, which also removes a lot of the goodness. At first, it sounds great until you realize that the sap and outer skin of Aloe Vera causes diarrhea. The primary healing part of Aloe Vera is the gel, and “only the gel”. A quality product needs to separate the gel from the rest of the leaf, and then prepare the gel into a supplement or liquid. This process is obviously more labor intensive.

Image result for Whole Leaf Versus Stabilized Inner Gel:
Unlike the gel, the skin and sap of the Aloe Vera leaf are not food. In fact, they’re extremely bitter precisely for the reason of discouraging desert animals from eating the plants. If you slice open an Aloe Vera leaf, and place that on the ground, the desert animals will only eat the gel!

Think of it in terms of an orange juice company putting the orange rind in their juice, just because it too may have some smaller amounts of nutrients. Orange rind may indeed have some small degree of nutrients, but the inner juice and pulp is still better. Which would you pick orange juice as you now know it, or orange juice with the rind blended in?
